Sunday, August 26, 2012


When I moved into my new apartment, all I wanted was some comfort; something familiar and warm to make me feel at home in unfamiliar surroundings.  Add to that the complication of not much food in the house yet and just a mini-fridge for perishables, options were slim.  Pancakes - good old fashioned pancakes - came to mind as something simple and easy to make.  Not to mention, pancakes always remind me of my mom and cozy weekend mornings with my family.  As always, when I go for the basics, I reach for Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook.  I've probably made these 100 times, but I can never remember the portions.  I do, however, remember the page number of the pancake recipe in this book (p.128 if you're interested...)

Now if you've never made pancakes before, there is a fun yet overly complicated episode of "Good Eats" that will give you more information than you ever need to know.  I prefer to use the knowledge learned peering over the countertop as my mom cooked them, but whatever floats your boat.  On with the yumminess!

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 Tbs sugar
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 Tbs vegetable oil
Start by blending your dry ingredients.  Then mix all of your wet ingredients.  Make a well in the dry ingredients, then pour in the wet ingredients.  Stir until just combined - lumps are to be expected!  Heat up the pan.  I use a griddle pan, but have also used a frying pan and it works just as well, the griddle pan just makes the pancakes easier to flip.  I usually spray on a coating of Pam because I think it's less fussy than butter when I'm sleepy in the morning.  Pour on your batter.  I use about a third of the batter for each pancake, but the recipe says to use a 1/4 cup measuring cup.  Those are just too puny.  Don't do it.   Once the batter is on the pan, wait until the bubbles coming to the surface stop closing up when they pop and watch for the sides of the pancake to change consistency.  You can always lift up the side with a spatula and take a peek underneath to check the color if you're not sure.  Then comes the art of the flip.  I still get it wrong sometimes and there's no shame in making a little mess.  Just do your best and try to be quick!


Fluffy, warm and perfect with a little (or a lot) of syrup.  And bigger than my head.  Just the way Mom makes it, and just the way I like it.  Tastes like home :)

I have made these many, many times and I will absolutely make them again.  They're relatively simple, but they always satisfy.  Just don't run out of syrup!

What breakfast reminds you of your childhood?


  1. Such artful syrup application - love it! My favorite childhood breakfast was waffles with cinnamon and sugar on top. Yum!

    ~ Becki Harris

    1. Mmmm! Those waffles of yours are definitely next on the sweet breakfast list!
